Spartanburg County(811 sq. miles; 2020 pop. 326,205). Spartanburg County is located in the northwestern section of South Carolina in the foothills…
Spence, Floyd DavidsonLegislator, congressman. Spence was born in Columbia on April 9, 1928, the son of J. W. and Addie Jane Spence…
Springs, Elliott WhiteBusinessman, aviator, author. Springs was born in Lancaster on July 31, 1896, the son of Leroy Springs, a wealthy textile…
State Council of DefenseThe State Council of Defense was South Carolina’s major public relations and propaganda arm during World War I. Created in…
Stoneman's RaidThis minor cavalry raid through the South Carolina upstate occurred in the weeks following the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and the flight of Confederate president Jefferson Davis and his cabinet from Richmond, Virginia.
Stono RebellionThe Stono Rebellion was a violent albeit failed attempt by as many as one hundred slaves to reach St. Augustine…
Stowers, FreddieSoldier, Medal of Honor recipient. This Anderson County native was the nation’s only African American from World War I to…
Stuart, JohnSoldier, colonial official. Stuart was born on September 25, 1718, in Inverness, Scotland, the son of John and Christian Stuart.…
Stuart's TownThe Scots disembarked near present-day Beaufort, calling their settlement Stuart’s Town. The site was promising, but Stuart’s Town lay on the disputed frontier between rival Spanish and English claims. It was also occupied by several feuding Indian nations.
Sullivan's Island(Charleston County; 2020 pop. 1,938). Sullivan’s Island was discovered in 1666 by Captain Robert Sandford and named for Captain Florence…
Sullivan's Island, Battle ofThe Battle of Sullivan’s Island was the first major patriot victory in the Revolutionary War. In February 1776, after British…
Sumter, ThomasSoldier, congressman, U.S. senator. Sumter was born on August 14, 1734, in Hanover County, Virginia. His father, William, was a…
Swamp Angel“Swamp Angel” was the nickname given to a 16,500-pound rifled Parrott cannon with an eight-inch bore that briefly shelled the…
Tarleton, BanastreBritish soldier. Few other figures in South Carolina history have been labeled as villainous as Banastre Tarleton has. He was…
Taylor, Susie KingNurse, teacher. Born into slavery as Susan Baker near Savannah, Georgia, Taylor became free at the age of fourteen when…
The CitadelLike other southern states, South Carolina believed that a military education would instill education, discipline, character, and patriotic devotion in its young men.
Travis, William BarretSoldier. Travis was born on August 9, 1809, in Edgefield District, the son of Mark Travis and Jemima Stallworth. In…
Tuscarora WarIn the first decade of the eighteenth century the Tuscaroras, an Iroquoian tribe, inhabited eastern North Carolina in fifteen towns…
UnionistsA pro-Union political organization, the Union and State Rights Party, developed in 1830 in response to calls for nullification of the federal tariff in South Carolina. Fearing that nullification would spawn secession, Unionists opposed the doctrine by running candidates for city offices in Charleston and for legislative seats throughout the state in 1830.
Vanderhorst, ArnoldusFollowing the war, Vanderhorst spent most of his time in Charleston. He operated a mercantile firm and came to own considerable property around the city.