Spartanburg County Museum of ArtLocated on South Spring Street in Spartanburg, the Spartanburg County Museum of Art was founded in 1907 with the acquisition…
Spartanburg Methodist CollegeSpartanburg Methodist College is a two-year institution related to the United Methodist Church and located on 110 acres in western…
Spartanburg Pellagra HospitalThe pellagra hospital in Spartanburg was the nation’s first facility dedicated to discovering the cause of that baffling and serious…
Spencer, James AlexanderLegislator, educator. Spencer was born in Charleston on October 23, 1850, the eldest son of James A. Spencer, a porter,…
State Farmers MarketThe State Farmers Market is a three-site system of state-sponsored facilities designed to bring growers and consumers of agricultural products…
Steadman, MarkNovelist. Steadman was born in Statesboro, Georgia, on July 2, 1930, the son of Mark Sidney Steadman, Sr., an engineer…
Steele, Henry MaxwellWriter, educator. Max Steele was born in Greenville on March 30, 1922, the son of John M. Steele and Minnie…
Stoneman's RaidThis minor cavalry raid through the South Carolina upstate occurred in the weeks following the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and the flight of Confederate president Jefferson Davis and his cabinet from Richmond, Virginia.
Stowers, FreddieSoldier, Medal of Honor recipient. This Anderson County native was the nation’s only African American from World War I to…
Strickland, LilyComposer, writer, artist. Strickland was born in 1884 in Anderson, the only daughter of Charlton Hines Strickland, an insurance salesman,…
Stumphouse Mountain TunnelThe Stumphouse Mountain Tunnel is an unfinished nineteenth-century railroad tunnel located near Walhalla. The variation of the name “Stump House”…
Sumter National ForestNamed for Thomas Sumter, famed partisan of the American Revolution, Sumter National Forest encompasses over 350,000 acres in the Piedmont…
Table RockTable Rock, located in the inner Piedmont belt, is just south of the Mountain Bridge Wilderness and Recreation Area, including Caesars Head and Jones Gap, both of which share a similar geologic history.
Tarleton, BanastreBritish soldier. Few other figures in South Carolina history have been labeled as villainous as Banastre Tarleton has. He was…
Textile Hall(Greenville). Greenville and Spartanburg were still vying for dominance of South Carolina’s textile industry when local representatives of northern textile…
Textile IndustryFrom the late nineteenth century through most of the twentieth century, the textile industry dominated South Carolina manufacturing. It employed…
Thompson, Waddy, Jr.Congressman, diplomat. Thompson was born in Pickensville on January 8, 1798, the son of Waddy Thompson, Sr., and Eliza Blackburn.…
Thurmond, James StromU.S. senator, governor. Thurmond was born in Edgefield on December 5, 1902, to John William Thurmond and Eleanor Gertrude Strom.…
Tillman HallOriginally known as the Main Building, this three-story brick structure was intended to be the centerpiece of the college.
Tillman, Benjamin RyanU.S. senator, governor. Tillman was born in Edgefield District on August 11, 1847, to Benjamin and Sophia Tillman. The family…