Smith, Charles AureliusBanker, governor. Smith was born in North Carolina on January 22, 1861, the son of Joseph Smith. After attending local…
Smith, Ellison DurantU.S. senator. Smith was born in Sumter District (later Lee County) on August 1, 1864, one of ten children born…
Smyth, Ellison AdgerIndustrialist. Smyth was born on October 26, 1847, in Charleston, the son of the Reverend Thomas Smyth and Margaret M.…
South Carolina Lunatic Asylum / State HospitalThe South Carolina Lunatic Asylum, located in Columbia, was established by the General Assembly in 1821. It did not open,…
South Carolina State ConstabularyThe constabulary’s prime mission of countering illegal whiskey was difficult and dangerous. Remote areas in mountains and swamps saw a near fanatical belief by residents that laws from beyond their domain held no sway in their territory. “Moonshine” liquor was part of the culture and a way some chose to earn a living when times were tough.
Spartanburg Pellagra HospitalThe pellagra hospital in Spartanburg was the nation’s first facility dedicated to discovering the cause of that baffling and serious…
Spears, Monroe K.Monroe Kirklyndorf Spears was born in Darlington, South Carolina, and educated at the University of South Carolina, where he earned…
Spillane, Frank MorrisonNovelist, short story writer. Nicknamed “Mickey” by his Irish Catholic father, Spillane was born in Brooklyn, New York, on March…
Springs, Elliott WhiteBusinessman, aviator, author. Springs was born in Lancaster on July 31, 1896, the son of Leroy Springs, a wealthy textile…
Springs, LeroyMerchant, entrepreneur, manufacturer. Springs was born in Fort Mill on November 12, 1861, the seventh of eight children of Andrew…
Stackhouse, Eunice Temple FordEducator, clubwoman. Stackhouse was born at Blenheim in Marlboro County on December 14, 1885, to the Baptist minister Rufus Ford…
Stewart, Thomas McCantsLawyer, civil rights leader. Born in Charleston on December 28, 1853, to free black parents, George Gilchrist Stewart and Anna…
Stoney, Samuel GaillardArchitect, author, historian, preservationist. Stoney is considered by many to be the quintessential Charlestonian. Born in Charleston on August 29,…
Stowers, FreddieSoldier, Medal of Honor recipient. This Anderson County native was the nation’s only African American from World War I to…
Strawberry FerryInitially, the ferry served to transport livestock, enslaved people, carriages, and other passengers across the Cooper River to and from the short-lived town of Childsbury, which surrounded Strawberry Chapel.
Strickland, LilyComposer, writer, artist. Strickland was born in 1884 in Anderson, the only daughter of Charlton Hines Strickland, an insurance salesman,…
Swearingen, John EldredIn 1908 Swearingen was elected state superintendent of education, a position he would hold unopposed for fourteen years. He was quick to state that he was not political but was interested in education and saw the position as an opportunity to serve the state.
Swearingen, John Eldred, Jr.From 1934 to 1938 Swearingen attended the University of South Carolina. Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa in 1938, he graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering.
Taylor, Anna HeywardArtist. Born in Columbia on November 13, 1879, Taylor was the daughter of Dr. Benjamin Taylor and Marianna Heyward, both…
Textile Hall(Greenville). Greenville and Spartanburg were still vying for dominance of South Carolina’s textile industry when local representatives of northern textile…