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One of eight seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary (LTSS) was established by Lutherans of German origin in 1830 and is the nation’s second-oldest Lutheran seminary in continuous existence.
Newberry County was formed in 1785 when the General Assembly divided Ninety Six District into six counties. In 1789 John Coate gave two acres for public buildings and a plan was drawn for a county seat. A decade later, Newberry Court House was a small village with postal service, a courthouse, a jail, residences, and a few taverns and small stores.

The rapid expansion of the Columbia metropolitan area in the final decades of the twentieth century made Lexington one of the fastest-growing counties in the state. The county’s population more than tripled between 1960 and 2000, with most of the growth taking place in the Columbia suburbs of West Columbia, Cayce, and Irmo.

In 1732 and 1733 possibly three hundred French-Swiss and German-Swiss colonists arrived in South Carolina with Purry to settle the 48,000-acre township promised by the colony’s authorities.

The most prominent contingent of German-speakers was in Charleston, where a vibrant artisan and mercantile community had been established by the decade before the Revolutionary War.

Originally laid out in 1733 as Congarees Township, Saxe-Gotha Township was located southwest of the confluence of the Broad and Saluda Rivers.

The preponderance of German-speaking settlers, however, gave the area its name—Dutch Fork for deutsch Volk

Bachman consistently presented a sound scientific case for all races of humans as members of the same species. Drawing on his keen knowledge of the nature of species, he presented his argument in numerous articles and in The Doctrine of the Unity of the Human Races, Examined on the Principles of Science, published in 1850. Yet Bachman condoned slavery, and he was an unyielding defender of states’ rights.
The college maintains close relations with the Lutheran Church, relating to four synods of the ELCA: South Carolina, Southeastern, Florida-Bahamas, and Caribbean. Its mission statement asserts, “As a Lutheran college, Newberry College recognizes the value of academic freedom, intellectual dialogue, and diversity of viewpoint. The Lutheran tradition also celebrates the concept of vocation, leading students to prepare for meaningful life experiences, occupations, and service to the world as well as to the church.”