South Carolina Educational Television-Radio

1972 –

The South Carolina Educational Television-Radio Network (SCETV-Radio) began broadcasting in 1972 when WETR (90.1) Greenville signed on the air, the first transmitter site of what became an eight-transmitter, statewide public radio network. As of 2006 transmitter sites included Beaufort, Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Sumter, Aiken, Conway, and Rock Hill. These sites have allowed SCETV- Radio to fulfill its mission of providing continuous public radio programming to more than three hundred thousand people per week in three states.

SCETV-Radio began as a unit of the South Carolina Educational Television (SCETV) commission, under the guidance of Vice President William D. Hay, and continued into the twenty-first century to be governed and licensed by this commission. SCETV-Radio has benefited from its association with SCETV since, as each SCETV- Radio transmitter site began operations, SCETV transmission towers and engineers were in place to support SCETV-Radio transmissions, allowing SCETV-Radio to offer statewide public radio service before most states were able to do so. Since 1995 SCETV-Radio has used computer automation systems and content partnerships to offer NPR news, various music formats, and entertainment programming. Automation allowed SCETV-Radio to move to a twenty-four- hour operation day in 1996. Popular, locally produced programs include Arts Daily, Southern Read, Walter Edgar’s Journal, and Your Day. In addition, SCETV-Radio is home to Marian McPartland’s Piano Jazz, the recipient of two Peabody awards. The program debuted in 1980 and is currently the longest-running jazz series on public radio. The majority of funding for SCETV-Radio is secured through listener memberships to the ETV Endowment of South Carolina. Remaining funding is secured through corporate underwriting and an annual grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Citation Information

The following information is provided for citations.

  • Title South Carolina Educational Television-Radio
  • Coverage 1972 –
  • Author
  • Keywords began broadcasting in 1972 when WETR (90.1) Greenville signed on the air, the first transmitter site of what became an eight-transmitter, statewide public radio network, began as a unit of the South Carolina Educational Television (SCETV) commission, under the guidance of Vice President William D. Hay,
  • Website Name South Carolina Encyclopedia
  • Publisher University of South Carolina, Institute for Southern Studies
  • URL
  • Access Date February 23, 2025
  • Original Published Date
  • Date of Last Update August 24, 2022
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