The following are involved with the project as authors and editors. Click on the name of the person to see a list of the published entries they have contributed.
- Stathakis, Paula
- Steedly, Elizabeth Dozier
- Stephens, Lester D.
- Stevens, Robert
- Stewart, Donald O.
- Stokes, Allen
- Stokes, Barbara
- Stollman, Jennifer A.
- Stone II, R. Phillip.
- Stone Jr., DeWitt Boyd
- Strobel, Marian Elizabeth
- Strong, Willard
- Stroup, Rodger E.
- Stuart, Elsie Rast
- Sullivan, Marion B.
- Sung, Carolyn
- Swager, Karen
- Swearingen, Nan
- Switzer, Deborah M.
- Synnott, Marcia G.
- Talbert Jr., Roy
- Tate Jr., H. Simmons
- Taylor, C. James
- Taylor, D. S.
- Taylor, John Martin
- Taylor, Saddler
- Taylor, Stephen Wallace
- Terborg-Penn, Rosalyn
- Terrill, Tom
- Teter, Betsy
- Tetreault, Donald
- Tetzlaff, Monica Maria
- Thigpen, Neal D.
- Thomas, Sam
- Tinkler, Robert
- Tolley-Stokes, Rebecca
- Tollison, Courtney L.
- Toth, Charles W.
- Toth, Reid C.
- Towles, Louis P.
- Towns, W. Stuart
- Tribe, Ivan M.
- Tritt, Deborah
- Turner, Helen Lee
- Tuten, James H.
- Tuttle, Jon
- Tyer, Charles B.
- Tyler, Zan Peters
- Underwood, James L.
- Vivian, Daniel J.
- Vlach, John Michael
- Wakelyn, Jon L.
- Walker, Melissa
- Walpole, Ford
- Walton, Becky
- Ward, Ashby
- Ware, Lowry
- Amanda Rachelle Warren
- Warrne, Amanda Rachelle
- Waters, Mary Baskin