The following are involved with the project as authors and editors. Click on the name of the person to see a list of the published entries they have contributed.
- Kern-Foxworth, Marilyn
- Kimbrell, Carolyn L.
- King, Martha J.
- King, Susan
- Kinney Jr., William Light
- Klein, Rachel N.
- Knight, James
- Koser, Laura E.
- Kovacik, Charles F.
- Koverman, Jill Beute
- Krantz, Palmer
- Krawczynski, Keith
- Kridel, Craig
- Kytle, Ethan J.
- Lacy, Elaine C.
- Lambries, Dennis
- Lander, Ernest McPherson, Jr.
- Landrum, Robert H.
- Lane, Bruce
- Larson, John C.
- Lau, Peter F.
- Laurens, John
- Lawrence, James Walton, Sr.
- Layne, Desmond R.
- Leaphart Jr., Malcolm W.
- Lee, Joseph Edward
- Lesesne, Henry H.
- Lesser, Charles H.
- Lewis, James A.
- Lewis, Stephen
- Linder, Suzanne
- Lippy, Charles H.
- Liscombe, Rhodri Windsor
- Littlefield, Daniel C.
- Littlefield, Valinda W.
- Livingston, Dean B.
- Livingston, Michael
- Lockhart, Matthew A.
- Lollis, Thomas W.
- Lowery, John Wesley
- Lucas, Marion B.
- Lutz, Maxine
- Macaulay, John Allen
- Mack, Adam
- Mack, Angela D.
- Mack, Tom
- Maher, Michelle
- Malphrus, Ellen
- Malphrus, Wofford
- Mancke, Rudy
- Mann, Theresa
- Marrs, Aaron W.
- Marszalek, John F.
- Martin, Justin D.
- Martin, Sandy Dwayne
- Martin, William
- Massey, Gregory D.
- Matheny III, Paul E.
- Matthews, Marty D.
- Maunula, Marko