The following are involved with the project as authors and editors. Click on the name of the person to see a list of the published entries they have contributed.
- McCandless, Amy Thompson
- McCandless, Peter
- McCardell, John M., Jr.
- McCawley, Patrick
- McConnell, Veronica Bruce
- McCoy, Sarah
- McCulloch, Anne M.
- McCutcheon, Kay W.
- McDaniel, George
- McGrath, John T.
- McKever-Floyd, Preston L.
- McKinley, Shepherd W.
- McKinney Jr., Russ
- McLean, Tom
- McMillan, Patrick
- McNeely, Patricia G.
- Meggs, Margaret
- Melton, Jennifer
- Meyer, Jack Allen
- Miller, Edward A., Jr.
- Miller, Mary S.
- Miller, Matthew L.
- Miller, Randall M.
- Miller, Whitney
- Mills, Jeffrey Willis
- Mitchell, Lisle S.
- Mitchell, W. K.
- Moise, Anne M.
- Moore, Alexander
- Moore, John H.
- Moore, Sandra Barrett
- Moore, William V.
- Morehouse, Maggi M.
- Morris, Michael P.
- Morris, William P.
- Motley, Mary Mac Ogden
- Mounter, Michael Robert
- Muldrow, Ralph
- Munn, Hugh
- Murphy, Carolyn H.
- Murray, John E.
- Myers, Andrew H.
- Nadelhaft, Jerome J.
- Nance, Brian
- Napier, John L.
- Nelson, David
- Nelson, John
- Nelson, Larry E.
- Nelson, Marie H.
- Nelson, Marilyn M.
- Neumann, Caryn E.
- Neuffer, Francis
- Nichols, Patricia Causey
- Nichols, W. Gary
- Nickless, Karen
- Noll, Steven
- Noon, David Hoogland
- Norris, J. Eugene
- O'Gorman, Farrell
- Obernuefemann, Kelly