The following are involved with the project as authors and editors. Click on the name of the person to see a list of the published entries they have contributed.
- Olsberg, R. Nicholas
- Oliver, Robert T.
- Ottervik, Jennifer
- Overby, Jason S.
- Paar, Karen L.
- Parker, Myrtis
- Pascoe, Craig S.
- Pease, Jane H.
- Pease, William H.
- Peters, Kenneth E.
- Peterson, Benjamin
- Pets, Louise
- Pierce, Daniel S.
- Pierce, Jon B.
- Pierce, Robert A.
- Pinckney, Elise
- Plaag, Eric W.
- Fleming, Beth
- Poliakoff, Eli A.
- Poliakoff, Marsha
- Poole, W. Scott
- Post, William
- Powell, Tamara S.
- Power, J. Tracy
- Powers Jr., Bernard E.
- Prefer, Mona
- Price, Barry A.
- Price, Rulinda
- Prince Jr., Eldred E.
- Racine, Phillip N.
- Redmond, Leo
- Reed, Dale Volberg
- Reed, John Shelton
- Rembert Jr., David H.
- Reynolds Jr., Robert D.
- Reynolds, Catherine Collins
- Reynolds, Michael S.
- Rhyne, Nancy
- Richard, Alan
- Richards, Jeremy
- Richards, Miles S.
- Richardson, Dorothy Fludd
- Richardson, Steve
- Riddle, Lyn
- Bison, David E.
- Rivers, Jacob
- Roberts, Carey M.
- Roberts, Giselle
- Robeson, Elizabeth
- Robinson, W. Stitt
- Rogers, Avida
- Rogers, Curtis R.
- Rogers, George A.
- Roland, Debbie
- Roman, Ronald
- Roper, Donna K.
- Roper, L. H.
- Rosen, Robert N.
- Rosengarten, Dale
- Rosengarten, Ted