Literary and Philosophical Society
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Among the collections of the Charleston Library Society are rare books, pamphlets, a manuscript collection, and the society’s records. The most significant collection is the society’s newspaper files, which contain the world’s largest and most complete collection of eighteenth and nineteenth century Charleston newspapers.

Although a highly respected legislator and banker, Elliott is perhaps best remembered for his activities as a botanist.

Bachman consistently presented a sound scientific case for all races of humans as members of the same species. Drawing on his keen knowledge of the nature of species, he presented his argument in numerous articles and in The Doctrine of the Unity of the Human Races, Examined on the Principles of Science, published in 1850. Yet Bachman condoned slavery, and he was an unyielding defender of states’ rights.
From 1824 until 1913 the school received no state funding. Students purchased tickets to lectures and paid laboratory fees. The faculty maintained private practices in addition to their teaching duties. From 1823 to 1861 the school rose to national prominence.
Founded in 1773, the Charleston Museum is the oldest municipal museum in the United States. It originated as an auxiliary of the Charleston Library Society dedicated to the collection, preservation, and study of “materials promoting a Natural History” of South Carolina.